23 posts
Be Successful in the World of Music with a Business Degree
It doesn’t matter what you want to do in the music industry. You may want to become a performer and manage your own career. You may want to manage the music career of others. You may want to teach music, be involved behind the scenes of performing artists, run a record label, own a music store, or anything else. Either way, your starting point should be to compared the different music business schools out there and complete a degree.
The Importance of Using the Right Tools when Shoring
Every construction project requires specialized pieces of equipment in order to do things correctly and to the industry standards. This is also true for shoring and trenching. In fact, each part of the trenching and shoring project will need different tools. Hence, you need to know not just where to rent shoring equipment from, but when to rent it as well.
How to Dress for an Interview
Got a big job interview lined up? If you are hoping to land the job of your dreams, be sure and dress the part. Here is how to dress for…