Getting Your Body Ready For Summer 2017
The holiday season is over and we have all had our fair share of sweets, treats and over-eating, it is time to get our bodies in shape. Every year the gyms are packed in January with the majority of us wanting to start the new year on a strong footing and undo all of the excess which we have eaten and drink during November and December.
My plan this year is a little different, instead of hitting the gym hard in January and February like usual before having a couple of months off and then panicking in June that my summer body isn’t where I want it to be, I’m planning for summer now. A long-term plan for my health and my body in 2017 is the order of the day and here is how you can get involved.
A Little Alteration
There is nothing wrong with opting for a little plastic surgery or a cosmetic alteration to help you to feel better about yourself and get the ball rolling to get that great body. I just wet for some liposuction on the area underneath my jawline. In the past, whenever I have lost weight, I always seem to struggle to lose fat from this area so I went to my local clinic and had it removed. I felt great after the procedure and many other I know did too, check out the Sono Bello reviews to see for yourself. This is a great way to get things underway in the new year.
Long-Term Gym Goals
Because I have a good 6 months ahead of me I was able to plan an incremental gym plan that really suits me. Something that has happened often in the past is that I want to lose weight fast so I hammer the gym and after a week or two find it too difficult and quit. With so much time in front of me I have decided to start the gym at my own pace and each week add some additional time or exercises. This way I won’t burn out and I’ll be in great shape come summer.
Change of Attitude
Whenever I’m trying to lose weight for the new year of for summer, I find myself doing short-term, high impact diets. Of course I will cut out the sweet stuff and the junk food but all that happens is that I get my body in shape in order to eat all of that stuff again. This year I plan on changing my attitude towards food and instead of dieting so that I can live like a fatty again, I plan to change my life for the better on a permanent basis. I know that I cannot change the opinion of a lifetime overnight and that this will take some time to get used to. For this reason I am starting my preparations for my summer body right now, this will give me enough time to try and fail and still gain good results.