Steps You Need to Take When You’ve Had a Car Accident
We are in the heart of winter right now and year on year, accidents on the road will increase during these months. In fact it was two years ago this month that I was involved in a collision which left me lucky to be alive, the fault was the other driver’s and I was also lucky enough to find an Orem car accident attorney who helped me with the entire process.
As much as nobody wants to think about having an accident, it is vital that you understand the steps which you need to take straight after an accident. If the unfortunate should happen to you this winter, here is what you’ll need to do.
Check For Injuries
The first step of course is to ensure that nobody is severely injured or in desperate need of medical attention. You should also be aware of any minor injuries which have been sustained as this information will be important later on.
Get The Vehicle Safe
The next step is to ensure that your vehicle is not left in a situation which makes it a hazard for other road users. If your car cannot be moved and it is causing a hazard, ensure that you call the authorities to notify them and come and move it.
Call The Police
The police do not need to attend every car accident but it is always worth calling them to find out directly from them. If your car is causing a hazard, if someone has been drink driving or if there is an altercation following the accident, the police will more than likely attend.
Checking For Damage
The next thing that you need to do is to check what damage your car has sustained, if you are able to, take a photo of the damage or a video of the permitter of your car. If you can’t take a photo or footage, make sure that your write down the damage which has been caused to each vehicle involved, not only your own.
Call Insurance
Before you leave the scene, make sure that you have called your insurers to get some advice on what you should do. If your car needs to be towed away then this will be arranged by them, and they can also start the process of your claim.
Getting Home
Being involved in an accident can really shake you up and so it isn’t a good idea that you drive straight away. Call a friend or a family member to come and pick you up, or if your car is drivable, ask them to come and drive you home.
Once you are home, it is time to start writing down a statement of exactly what happened, this is best done sooner rather than later as it will be much fresher in your mind. This information will help you greatly with your insurance claim, and if you need to go to court for any reason.
Let’s hope that you don’t have an accident, but if you do, follow these steps to ensure that you come out of it as best as you can.